A Portrait from Panama

Tonight was the annual dinner of the Pioneer Valley Photographic Artists, my photo club. Each of us brings a print to present to the group, with a brief talk. This one was particularly touching. Dave (with the microphone) had worked with the Peace Corps in Panama in 1969, in an isolated village.

Last year he returned for his first visit since then, bringing many pictures of the residents which he had taken. The woman on the easel is holding a photo of herself as a child in 1969 (on the left--best seen large). Particularly special, Dave told us, was that several persons saw pictures of their grandparents for the first time. In meantime photography has reached the village--many people captured his photos from 1969 with their cellphones.

Importantly, Dave is a key mentor for the excellent photography program for inner-city high school students in Springfield, initiated by members of our club several years ago.

This picture which I presented is on the far right--a blue-footed booby from the Galapagos taking off--I'll try to post it in my Blipfolio shortly.

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