Not Again :(

Hi Tom

As you can see we have had a lot of rain yet again. It's actually turned into quite a nice day but the river is still rising. We were put on flood alert which means we will be in danger of it coming in. Thankfully as I blip the water still has a little way to go before it comes over the decking around the house. That's when it will be all systems go and everything will be put up high. Not good timing when Nick has just taken off to Jamaica and dad is still in Switzerland. I'm not telling dad as I don't want to spoil his day.

I did go to Bootcamp this morning despite the torrential rain. I came home like a drowned rat. I needed wringing out.

I've got cover for my swimming lessons tonight as I'm sure I won't be able to get there and it's best I stay or I'll only worry. Hopefully no more rain and it disappears very soon.

I think I'd rather have your snow.

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