"Scrapbooking Queen"

My Mother is a scrapbooking Queen. She has documented her whole life in beautifully creative scrapbooks that tell her life story. Every January, I have my Mother over for a Birthday Crop. Her birthday is January 19th and my birthday is the 23rd. We spend the day scrapbooking, talking, and laughing. She was lamenting that she was behind in her scrapbooking. She was just finishing her 2007 pictures. I was very tickled with this as she has scrapbooked more than 80 years of memories. That is more than anyone I know!

Moira was thrilled to have lunch with her Meme and play some games with her before her nap. I am grateful that my granddaughter gets to see and be with her great- Grandmother. My Mother turns 88 this Sunday and I am so very blessed to have her in my life. She is a very special lady.

Day 14 in my Organization Challenge. Since I was scrapbooking with my Mother today, I am counting my photo organization for the challenge. Tomorrow will come the big closet!

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