
By mydartmoorwalks

Tavistock on wet winters day

I recently purchased Lightroom 5 and have been using it for a few weeks. I found it quite a difficult programme to get into and have worked through many of the Adobe tutorials. I have to say I am very, very impressed with it - it seems like it has given my little camera a major upgrade and is a much more significant upgrade than I could have achieved by simply buying a new camera (which will happen when I can decide what to get!). I am finding new things to do with Lightroom all the time.

It was a dull, grim miserable wet day today and inspired by an exchange with Schubert and with G2EWS I have decided to experiment and try and reflect the day with a mono shot of the main street in Tavistock - this is better large. I start from the basis that I much prefer colour to mono but I think this particular shot is actually much better in mono! Obviously this has been manipulated in Lightroom. I have put the original colour shot here (as it came out of the camera) so that you can compare the two. I am most grateful to Shubert for getting me to this point. Blip is a great place to see what others can do and learn from them! I am sure there will be more mono shots from me in the future!

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