
By LadyFindhorn


This is the window display of Bernie the Barber whose shop has been an institution for 38 years at Newington. His displays are regularly updated and I have it on good authority that the inside is filled with quirky memorabilia that his customers have brought him from all over the world.
This morning was a good one. I met Magpie for a leisurely coffee and an hour of uninterrupted blipchat which was cathartic given that in the castle, his Lordship has banned the word Blipfoto so that he doesn't give up the will to live. We also put the world to rights and felt more positive at the end of it all. AND magpie got what I consider a fine blip- one that I wish I had found first!
His Lordship and I are off this afternoon to choose a fruit tree for the castle grounds, now that the gardener has managed to move the dwarf apple tree to its new position.

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