Scottish Flyer

By ianjardine

What, no squirrels?

Sadly, no!

After two days at work I was looking forward to a day off at home and had planned to see what tricks I could get the family of 4 squirrels to do. As you know I had set myself a challenge to capture them in flight so, first thing this morning I headed outside and set up a little course for them, ensured there was enough treats in the right places, then sat near the window to watch the action.

Well, I was there most of today studying (work exams pending) and whilst sat I kept a keen eye on the garden. They never appeared! I spoke later to the neighbours who also enjoyed watching their activities but they reported that they also hadn't seen them for the past two days. Sorry folks, but we fear something has happened to them. I'll keep you posted.

So no squirrel image today. Instead I present our robin who lives at the bottom of the garden.

ps - shot through glass so not as sharp as I would like. Still pretty enough for a blip though. Happy Sunday to all.

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