
By briocarioca


I've heard of legless, but this hummingbird appears to be wingless - or maybe I need to investigate faster shutter speeds? Ah well, one day...

Lots of birds around today, but couldn't get close enough for a decent shot. Had to laugh at two tanagers, of different types and sizes, vying for the bird bath. The larger one sat on the edge getting splashed until he lost patience and jumped in too. Have a shot of them both looking furtively in my direction ("shhh - someone's watching"! - but it's too fuzzy to post.

HH played 9 holes of golf, I stayed home and caught up on a few (very few) things. Tomorrow is Saint Sebastian's day and a holiday in Rio, as he's our patron saint, so we'll stay up in the hills for an extra half-day. Might start chopping back a few bushes, if we don't get more of the heavy rain we had this afternoon.

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