Dare Mighty Things

By dcomp

Going, Going, Gong

A little under 36 hours ago, my mum and I were talking about more decorative items I’d like to have in my home. Of all of the things that I mentioned, the one that stood out particularly was my desire to have a small/medium sized dinner gong on the cupboard at the top of my stairs: I have no idea why that or where the idea came from.

Skip forward to a beautiful Sunday spent with the little people (Children. not Minions: Although we did watch Despicable Me 2 again this morning!), lunch out (which they claim beat Pizza Express!) and a brief stop at 'Eras of Style', a lovely antique and coffee shop just around the corner from here. Whilst perusing, what should appear but a small/medium-sized gong: A wonderful solid brass piece that I expect will polish up incredibly well.

I must have walked around three or four times before I even spotted it but, with the conversation only having happened so recently and with it’s condition, the warm and gentle tone to the ‘bonnng’ and it being completed with a matching, brass-handled beater, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to own it. It’s now taken it’s place on said cupboard where it will likely stay for a good while yet.

I have named this Blip entry as a doff of the cap to the heritage of the building which houses 'Eras of Style': Many years ago, it formed part of West Bexhill Station but, more recently, it was the site of a well-used and well known auction house. The new owners have bought about a huge amount of change and have lovingly restored some of the building to it's former glory as well as installing a beautiful food hall which brings together a whole host of local produce from meat and cheese to cakes and wines. A visit is highly recommended.

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