Mirror Mirror on the Wall

DDW's January Challenge Day 21: "Cracked"

Oops, should have been 'Dirty' for day 20. Guess what tomorrow's topi is then.

This mirror sits on the wall in our hall which is decorated in something akin to a 1930s style (it seemed like a good idea at the time) with solid wood floors, art deco lamps etc. The mirror is not cracked, but because of the different pains of glass and the beveled edges, your reflection in the mirror certainly is as you can see.

A very relaxed day yesterday. Walked around Veralium park which is where yesterday's shot of the cathedral came from, had a pint of Guinness in 'The Fighting Cocks', reputedly the oldest pub in England (1599) and finished off with dinner at Rachel and Ross'.

We thought they had settled on a date and venue for their wedding, but they have had nagging doubts. Not about getting married thankfully, but about their original choice of venue. Sounds like it might be a bit of a wedding factory (up to 3 weddings can take place concurrently) and this concerns them. Over the weekend they found a venue that looks really good but of course, it is more expensive ..... excuse me whilst I don my boots and pop down to the bottom of the garden to see if there is anything left on the money tree.

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