Time to Clean the Patio

DDW's January Challenge Day 20: "Dirty"

Maybe unfair to call the patio dirty. Weathered, or autumnal are perhaps more accurate descriptions, but either way, it's not very attractive right now and you certainly wouldn't want to sit on it. It wasn't even nice kneeling on it to get this picture. As soon as we have the prospect of a clear dry spell, I need to get out there and give it a good clean. Might have to rely on elbow grease rather than the heavy machinery you see in this picture.

Dinner round at Sue and Andrew's last night. A very nice lasagna. We were going to excuse ourselves at 9 to go and meet Matthew, Tim, Mick & Coral for post badminton drinks at the Barrels (we couldn't make the game) but it seemed rude to do so so we stayed and played bendominoes.

Sue started reading my 365 Photobook; from back to front for some reason (I used to do that with catalogues when I was a kid because the toys were at the back). She's reading every page word for word. Had to leave it with her as she didn't get past November.

Others have flicked through it. The one thing to come out of other people's reviews is the observation that my journal took a certain direction (went wacky) around May 12th; Rachel's birthday. No connection I'm sure.

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