this luminous life.

By Laura

As I have been driving through this neighborhood on my way to and from work, I've passed a few things I wanted to take pictures of and share on Blipfoto. The past few days, the weather warmed up a bit and put me in the mood to take a few walks and snap some of the pictures. Do you see the body in this one?


I'm not a fan of the suburbs (or suburban-type residences)
but every time I take a walk through this area,
I smile and feel at ease.
The neighborhood kids are always playing
in the park, in the yards...
a lot of the boys play football daily.
The adults are out walking dogs and babies,
working in the yards and on their cars.
Many of them leave the front door open.
When I moved in last year,
neighbors stopped by to say hello and offer assistance.
Each house is gorgeous and unique
(one, two, three-story; brick, wood, modern, old),
which I value above identical suburbs.
The downtown area is small but nice
and almost all the shops/restaurants are not chains.
The neighboring town also has a historical downtown
with more exclusive places to dine and shop.
I hope that if I live in a suburban area in the future,
it's like this one.

a year ago: telephone lines.

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