BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Sex, Drugs & Wall Street Trading

Today was a pretty average Monday at work, normally my Monday evenings are quiet too, but tonight my father and I decided to go to the cinema. We both enjoy the same kind of movies and have Showcase Insider cards which get you discount tickets on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays (thought you'd like to know).

As you can see from the image we went to see Martin Scorsese's, Wolf of Wall Street.

This film is bind blowing mainly due to the fact it is based on a true story. Wow, Jordan Belfort (main character) had a crazy few years on the stock market. This 3 hour film flew by as it was so entertaining, a solid 8.5 out of 10 from me.

Even if they've exaggerated the events or even if only half of it's true it still is an unbelievable story. Get out there and see it people if you fancy a drug fuelled, 80's look at Wall Street trading.

Hopefully see you tomorrow

Mr Bo Hingles

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