
By middaypyjamas

Aunty, Mother and Child

As you can see from today's blip Kerry and Annabelle paid us a visit. Annabelle turned out to love some juggling balls we had lying about, not so much for juggling but more for chewing on. For a better example of this see's Holly's blip for today, found here.

I also did a new workout I found off the net today. It's pretty basic and includes 25 push-ups, 30 crunches, a 50 second wall sit, 30 tricep dips, a 45 second plank, 30 leg lunches per leg and 15 squats. Then you do all of these three times. It sounds like a lot but actually took less time than you may think. I then had an apple and followed it up with a 10km run. Obviously I'm on a bit of a fitness trend at the moment, I don't usually exercise this much, but Holly, Jono and I are planning to do the run for the kids in April, which is 15km, as well as a the age run Melbourne half marathon in August. As I'm not exactly ready for either of those things I have a lot of training to do!

Today's back blip can be found here.

- Damian

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