
By RunAndrewRun

Short morning swim

Swimming this morning - got a bit delayed before heading off to Dalry (pictured); and subsequently only managed to squeeze in 10-lengths as couldn't afford to be late for my next commitment.

Beginning to really enjoy the twice-weekly swims, and they're definitely helping in my overall fitness levels ... my running-times may not be getting any faster (which I'm entirely relaxed about) but I do feel generally better and am starting to find the running just feels easier.

Here's a reminder of my plan for the rest of the week:

MONDAY - cycle-commute and rest day thereafter :-)
TUESDAY - short run of at least 5-miles and cycle-commute thereafter
WEDNESDAY - cycle-commute and gym, then swim, at Dalry
THURSDAY - short run of at least 5-miles and cycle-commute thereafter
FRIDAY - cycle-commute and gym, then swim, at Dalry
SATURDAY - long run: I think I'll aim to take it up to 15-miles!
SUNDAY - as above, if not possible on the Saturday and/or swim

... so, 5-mile run tomorrow morning!

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