One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The unstoppable march of progress

After an eventful day at work* I thought that I had reached my quota of surprises.

That was without counting on Mrs Raheny.

I was totally gobsmacked when I found out that our prized fruit bowl doubles as a salad bowl!

No surprise that the Wood Turners' Association of Ireland has set up quite a sizeable fund for Research & Development. Well worth the investment!

Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if the guys at Samsung weren't looking already for a loophole in the patent, steal the concept, improve on the performance and mass produce the item for half the price...

Still... what a thing of beauty.

I loved our solid elm fruit bowl, I adore our just-as-solid-elm salad bowl!

The filling for the salad bowl was provided with great generosity by Oldmills, it's organic. And it makes you fart like a Wicklow Neanderthal.

* one important email and 172 others with shitloads of exclamation marks and URGENT written in SHOUTY CAPITAL LETTERS

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