
By SNDavies

These things are addictive! I remember them from years back, nice to see them back again.

Really odd day today. Felt quite rough when I woke, which was later than planned so skipped breakfast. Ate a twix finger on the walk, trying to use the extra time from leaving 5 minutes earlier to ensure I wasn't walking to fast as I felt really weak.

Got to the top of the only incline, not even steep and felt really weird and faint all of a sudden. My pulse was pounding so I could hear it, which then slowed dramatically to what felt like having a second between beats. Legs wanted to give way and I ended up feeling like I was going to cry & fall down and had to hold onto the traffic light pedestrian crossing box to keep myself upright.

My friends were quite concerned as I met them just after that came on. Thankfully the feeling in my legs came back over the next minute so I felt like they were mine again. Didn't have any problems the rest of the day, but I didn't feel back to normal until midday.

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