
By LadyFindhorn

Portobello beach

Clocks back to GMT meant that daughter no 1 and I could have a short early morning cycle run just as it was getting light. We made it downhill to Portobello with a tail wind before the rain , but had to cycle home in the rain with a headwind. Although daughter no 1 has never considered herself to be a cyclist, after just a few weeks of practice, she felt able to say today " I'll just go a bit faster on this bit" which was uphill and before you know it her rear light is disappearing into the distance. Mmm! What it will be like once she exchanges her heavy steel bike that is slightly too big for her, with a nice light aluminium framed one, I can't imagine !
This midday, along with crowds of people we stood patiently in the cold and wind for one and a half hours to see the 3 Gracemount high rise flats being demolished. After an hour, a horn sounded and all the cameras were primed with fingers on the button,.and then....... nothing. We waited for another 3/4 of an hour while people blue with cold drifted off. A lady passing said she had heard that there had been a problem with people not leaving the building and the demolition has been put back to 1.30. That was the finish for us. His Lordship's fingers had gone completely white and I felt I was getting hypothermia. We left and missed the big bang. I feel hopeful that another Edinburgh blipper got the image.

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