Happy Adoption Day ......

........ Shadow Dancer .....

Five years together now and I wouldn't change him for the world.

This is Shadow's "sneak to" place - he likes nothing more than curling up on our bed with his buddy, Victor! (we do have dog-free guest rooms but have to keep the doors shut!!). I will often find him stretched right out, just like a person, with his head on the pillow too.

Victor also has a story .... we bought him in Bangkok, Thailand in 1991 after Himself came back from the Gulf War (Desert Storm) .... sitting minding our own business at a market bar and up came this really smiley guy with this big stuffed bulldog - we negotiated with money and beer and, I seem to recall, some food, the next thing I know we are the proud "parents" of a bulldog!!
He is named after the street seller.

You can see how big he is (and he's solid) - Shadow is the size of a German Shepherd - we then had to buy a bag to put him in and he travelled back to Germany as hand luggage and then onward to UK some six months later - he has "decorated" our bed ever since.

Shadow seems to know that Victor is not "his" - he has never tried to play with him, bite him or de-stuff him - in fact I have stuffed bears (hence the BikerBear handle) all over the place and he has never once bothered with them. He seems to know that toys that are given directly to him are his to do what he likes with ..... and that always means shake, chew, de-squeak and then de-stuff until all that is left is the "skin".

Good boy, Shadow ...... we are so glad we found you.

Words are not enough to express my gratitude and thanks for all your comments, stars and hearts yesterday on my 730th consecutive blip ..... I think I have managed to respond to everyone who kindly left me a message ..... I feel a little humbled by all the lovely things that were said ..... a big virtual blip-hug to the lot of you - you made my day so special.

NIKON D5200 : f/4.8 : 1/0" : 42mm : ISO 2000

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