Haggis, Neeps, 'n' Tatties

No 3 put in a special request for dinner this evening. How could I refuse!? Seems she LOVES haggis, neeps and tatties.

Me : "This table cloth is the same tartan your dad wore on his kilt for his wedding day. Do you know what tartan it is?"
No 3: " Oh....oh...I know...Mc....Mc....McFADDEN...?"
Me : "...no.."
No 3: "...Mc....Mc....Mc DONALD!?"
Me : "...no..."
No 3: "Mc....Mc.....MCJAGGER!"

Actually it is the McGregor tartan, and No 3 was very tickled to hear that her great grandfather was called Gregor McGregor !

My two sisters and I sang in the village choir when we were young(er). We were often asked to sing at Burns Suppers, and would sing an array of Scottish songs for the diners. In the interval we were fed on high tea and cakes. The cakes were amazing - and being a greedy wee sod...I ate two! Turned out there was only one for everyone and to my shame someone had to go without their cake.

I never owned up when they asked if anyone had eaten two cakes.

In the second half of the concert - we were singing our hearts out when I threw up on the chair in front of me !

Guess they figured out who ate all the pies then !

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