Lali's World

By Lali


...or waiting for somebody?...or taking a photo...? Who knows...

It was pouring with rain on my way to work and very windy as well so, half-way up, I decided to take the bus. Otherwise, I would have been soaked to the bone! The weather has been miserable all day, dark, grey, wet, windy and cold... as a result, work was very busy.

However, today I felt full of energy for some reason. It looks like my body is finally recovering from everything and I'm getting my energy back, which is great! On the whole my day has been good in spite of the horrible weather and the fact that I was working.

Tonight it's Burns Night, an evening to celebrate the life of Scottish poet Robert Burns. People eat haggis, drink whisky and go to ceilidhs. I'll just have some haggis I bought the other day because I really like it and I may have a wee dram after that.

Back to work tomorrow. Hoping for nicer weather...

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars on my self portrait! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

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