Capital adventures

By marchmont


It was well past the witching hour when we got to our beds last night. A late change of plan meant I was on the sofa. Normally I sleep ok there but last night ..... late night, alcohol induced headache and a stomach ache that I think had more to do with travel and stasis. The combined effect was I did not sleep and was up and down like the proverbial.

I felt better by breakfast time, 11.30. Then it was of to Feis Rois which was brilliant. Great young people from Scotland and Melbourne showcasing traditional music talents.

Then lunch, at 4, followed by another traditional music concert, Irish and American musicians this time. Only problem was I got a very good view of the back of the guy in front's head. S and H did well with this year's choices.

Back home with the most bizarre taxi driver ever, flashing fairy lights and Runrig. Seriously weird. Then a few more drinks, water for me, and more food, then bed.

Today's blip , taken near the High Court, has meaning but I don't expect you'll get the allusion.

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