Friendly Robin

It's two steps forward and one step backward with this cold, as I've now lost my voice! This will be only too familiar to those of you who have had colds already this winter, but I thought I'd escaped all that. Funny thing is - my husband's not complaining:-)

Not much evidence of the promised snow apart from a dusting on the hills and a bit of sleet among the rain, so it was a very grey and dreich day today. The garden birds were out in force and at one point we had over 50 sparrows sitting on top of our hedge waiting for the feeders to be re-filled:-) As you can imagine, the seeds etc didn't last long! We also had our first yellowhammer this year, but it didn't hang around. Too much competition, perhaps?

There were so many comings and goings among the sparrows that all my photos of them were blurred, so I was pleased when this friendly little robin stood still long enough to get his picture taken:-)

I spent most of the day compiling a 106-page photobook, mainly comprised of my blip pictures, as a journal for 2013. There was an amazing deal on a website I follow and it has only cost me £19, including postage, for an A4 hardback book! Too good to miss, however it's meant I'm falling further and further behind in comments and replies, so apologies for that and I'll try to catch up soon.

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