Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Are you bored of us four yet?

Well, naturally it had to be a photo of all four of us!

I've done a few of these photo courses but this was by far my favourite.....the studio man let us run wild in his studio with his flash lights and equipment and stuff after the course finished! He was very mad trusting! As you can imagine it was the same madness you can expect when the four muskateers get together...the other people must have wondered what they signed up for. We just need to plan the next adventure........

I left Minnie in the hands of her Daddy for seven hours......the longest time I have ever left her. He coped magnificently. My Mum was here in the morning and his mum was here in the afternoon, not that he needed them but I dont think he had any choice as they clearly thought he would leave her in the garden or something forgetful like that! They need not have worried. She slept for another hour after I got home and I was rewarded with a HUGE smile when she woke. Just about to do bath and bed time....I'm exhausted too so it wont be a late night.

Have had an email from my boss....he has an idea for me to come back to work a bit earlier that wont involve me leaving's nice to be missed :)

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