Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

What are they doing?

These guys have been working here for the last four days. A boring job, but they get my respect. So, what do you thing they are doing? First correct answer, 14 nights in my spare room (with the shrew) - well done Soozaday, you get the prize :)

They are digging a pilot hole for a well.

I took my bandana off, to give them a laugh at my bald head. Then this guy whipped his cap off to say snap, and so I did.

I did a blip safari this morning. Again, I struggled to capture any bugs, but did better than yesterday. The bats were there, but under a different leaf. I am going to study them each day and see if I can work out an in-flight photo shoot. It will have to be pre-dawn though.

Diary – had my two monthly weigh-in, at the airport the other day. I had lost 3Kg, which was a lot lower than I was hoping for, but about what I expected. At the weigh-in before, I had lost 10Kg, which was too much to be healthy, so I increased my intake. Unfortunately, at this point I acquired the wok and gas ring and much enthusiasm for cooking. I guess I was lucky to lose anything at all.

The computer net connection is still dropping the ball too much. It seems to happen more with certain programs. Blip is not affected too badly, but AOL is hopeless and uploading and downloading is a nightmare, especially if it is a program that starts over each time (like Blip). The signal strength is strong, the full five bars, so it is probably the use of the extension cable, but it is a quality cable. I will have to get advice from an expert, but this needs sorting out, as it is a real pain. I think the solution is going to be fiber optics, which means more expense.

Great response to the bat blip, thank you.

Information – it took me over an hour and 50+ attempts to upload this image. In the end, I reduced the pixels from full frame to 1600x1200 and filed as JPEG3, in order to dramatically reduce the file size.


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