Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

High Noon

Regulars will know that
1 I do not like cats (allegedly)
2 They fascinate me
3 One cheeky one is a frequent visitor to the garden and a blip subject.

This morning, just as I was selecting what to upload from today's really boring snaps of wet primula, I spotted Cheeky sitting stock still under a bush. Must be watching for wee birds, I thought. Then he slunk off and I was just about to move when ...... he was back under the bush or ..... no he wasn't! Another, to me identical, cat was there and Cheeky had returned to have a look.

So so funny! They had a long hard Paddington stare at each other. You could almost hear the words "Who the hell are you?'. Then Cheeky surrendered and crept out of the garden. Cheeky2 sat still as a statue for about five minutes then himself crept out by a different route (that's the blip)! Hilarious! But the question is ..... is Cheeky1 really Cheeky2? Is there a Cheeky3? And what about Ginger? Are there multiples of him too? And then there's Foxy .............!

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