Pinksters Puzzles .


Pretty Pink seats for Pinkers

Well what a warm day today . Warm but alas the sun disappeared from view after lunch .
( and I sooooooo wanted to put my roof down and tootle off for a drive along the coast with my camera at the ready .)

I wanted my hair to blow wildly in the wind , I wanted the suns hot rays to bronze my face , I wanted to whizz along and watch the waves . I wanted to pretend I was a young care free pretty babe , ( I didn't t want much did I ? )

Instead I put the roof down on the car , had fun BLIPPING the pink and blue leather seats , (which I loooooove ) and consoled myself with a nice cup of tea , a slice of fudgey cake and accepted that my days of growing up to be a l babe had never arrived and the chance now long gone ,HOHUM
aaaaaaaah but who cares I can have the same dream again tomorrow .

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