
By samsticks

Feeling Cocky


We arrived at our campsite just outside of Lorne, set up the tent and then started relaxing... we wer camping after all!

Miles went down for a sleep, followed swiftly by Gina and then I passed out on the floor outside the tent. Faye and Lewis held the fort while the three of us were in the land of nod.

We set off to the beach in Lorne late in the afternoon. Miles and Lewis took a swim, then showered off. The Little Goblin loves the beach!

Lorne has a ridiculous amount of these sulphur crested cockatoos flying and being generally troublesome. I feel sorry for the locals, as despite the signs everywhere, people were still feeding them. This blip shows how tame they are - my lens was about 20cm from this guy's face!

Back at the campsite there were qute a few kookaburras hanging around. I had to pick my blip for today, and I went with the cockys. We're having a bit of 'slow internet syndrome' at home, so will put one of those up in my blipfolio if it ever uploads!

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