The Imperial "good companion"

This typewriter I saw in a charity shop's window reminded me of when I was younger and I had to write my essays with a typewriter. It was a messy affair because if you made a mistake you had to tippex it out and then write over it. You also had to press hard on the keys to get the ink properly printed on the paper. No delete, re-write, cut and paste... what I did was I handwrote the whole piece and, when I was happy with it, I typed it. It took much longer...

I also taught myself to touch type with one of these.. How things have changed now!

The weather has been much better today than at the weekend. Work was really quiet.

I have a day off tomorrow and I'm planning to go to the gym for the first time in about a month!! I think I'll have to take it easy..

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars yesterday! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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