twinned with trumpton


Sleep Catch Up

I always have this theory that I don't ever want to waste my time; I don't want to waste anyone else's either, mind, but if I have to be at work through the week, I always want to make sure that if / when I have the freedom and space to do something, I will use that time to the fullest.

I can remember even as a first year undergraduate being looked at as odd cos even after a week of lectures and essays and tutorials, Friday night out would invariably be followed by me sneaking out at 0745 to walk, cycle, get a bus somewhere.

I can remember one Sunday juts getting up and walking something like 16 miles into the Peak District to some little village and then getting a bus back; arriving back to the house at around half past one as the rest of the house were getting up; they looked at me, dressed, alive, awake. "Where have you been?" they quizzed me. "Oh, you know, out..." They wouldn't have understood the need to get out and explore so it was easier to just be vague and make them all tea and toast.

So Saturday morning was just in the house, mostly. Rain pelting down. So I got the boys to help me with exciting things like laundry, and a toffee / apple cake, put cutlery away - just really banal stuff, but especially Alex loves doing cos it makes him feel so grown up.

Eventually we got packed up and out into the teaming rain to walk up the road; and then free. I walked to the shop on the way home, bought milk and went home.


Felt tired, and went to bed, and woke much later; bed a crumpled mess. Not often I have such a low key, unproductive day, but today....

Um friend arrived later, soaked too and armed with shopping. We warmed up with blue cheese and courgette soup and some cake.

But all too quickly she'd come and gone and I logged on to do overtime; a tedious but fiscally necessary 4 hours.

Dark by the time I finished and I felt so lethargic, I decided to go to the shop for rice; 9- minutes later and 64 photos later...

Got in around 8.30. Tidied up; no football so read - I WILL finish Pictures for an Exhibition this year - and to bed.

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