twinned with trumpton


Quiet Day

So Sunday.

Spent the first half of the morning tidying up, laundry, kitchen cleaned.

I had a guest coming over.

She arrived, we went straight back out; to walk where I'd been Friday. We needed to talk about what we were doing that day and he best way (I find) is to walk and talk) An invigorating wander, poking around the 'hood, getting buffeted and battered by the wind.

And home an hour later, as we walked in, the warmth (or more truthfully the lack of cold!) hit us. She had a shower, I raced to the supermarket for a couple of essentials.

And photography. We had talked a while about doing this; the idea as important as the technical excellence. Hell, how good are my results gonna be on a £35 point and shoot camera? So we set up, we worked out step by step what to do and some of the results were stunning....

Lunch. Was perfect. Pan fried plaice with a sweet chilli sauce with sauté baby potatoes and a salad of apple, fennel, watercress and sunflower seeds. Stunningly effective.

Glass or two of rueda and onto the sofa for Clerks. (We trade movies - so far she has brought 9 1/2 Weeks and Pretty Woman, I have pitched in with Bonjour Tristesse and now Clerks. I love her movies, she loves mine. Bizarre, but hey....

Dessert later was the toffee apple cake but added to with a handful of cashew nuts and a thinly sliced apple stuck into the frying pan with a couple of tablespoons of sugar and left to caramelise in the pan for five minutes; served with cream. So so effective and had the air of properly difficult pudding.

She left late afternoon, just a magical time together.

And I drifted through the rest of the day in a haze; supermarket for wine, waled back along from Newhaven, and e mailed a few people, planned a camping trip, went to bed.

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