Sneaky Peek

By SneakyPeek


I thought I’d continue the hat theme which I seem to have inadvertently started for myself yesterday so here’s another one I was lucky enough to capture today (this is beginning to seem like some form of weird sport!).

In other news, whilst out and about at lunchtime time, I heard this bizarre conversation in a shop (and I haven’t elaborated or embellished this any way whatsoever).

Man: Why do the working classes have to sit on the pavement?

Shop Assistant: Well soon they won’t be able to because the police will move them on.

Man: No they won’t because they’re working class too.

Shop Assistant: *silence*

Man: Working class scum.

Me: *stares*

Man: Can I see that casserole dish you have in the window please?

I almost walked up to him and whispered in his ear “I think that casserole dish is too working class.” but I didn’t. Wished I had now. What a clown (him not me).

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