An 'Assortment' of HeartFreeks!

Met with Daughters Number 1 and 2 for lunch at the Garden Centre today before DN2 goes back to Uni. It was a giggle. They both know I'm a bit blip mad. I told them what todays challenge blip was then asked them to go and choose a 'Heart somethingorother'. Being a bit camera shy, we headed into a quiet corner of the shop with our chosen offending items for the group 'selfie'. Giggling away, the deed was done. Then I spotted the manager on his phone watching us!! If he hadn't of recognised me as a regular, Im sure he would have stepped in to see what we were up to giggling in the corner, me holding a T-pot and DN1 with her head through a huge feathered Heart! DN2's stone had 'Kiss Softly' written on it, which is why its held against her lips!

DN2 is a Self confessed 'Selfie' expert. Iv been trying to get her to blip for ages but she says her photos arn't good enough! I gave her the idea of taking a 'Selfie' at the same time each day and using that as her blip and calling her journal 'Sophie's Selfie's' ! I thought it was a great idea!!! She looked like she was going to give it some thought!!!

I had another idea last night when I was thinking of ways to boost my income while my work is so quiet. I thought I'd like to become a house sitter to include animals and possibly some decorating/gardening/spring cleaning/ airport transfers. I don't have any dependants of my own anymore (except a 22 year old daughter but shes quite well house trained now) and housesitting is a better option to kennels (in my opinion) so thought why not!! I put the idea out on Facebook this morning and already have had a few friend and family enquiries. Can you let me know if you have had experience of housesitting before either way, as sitter or sittee!!! I'm a 'do-it' kinda girl and usually follow up on my plans. I have even thought of a name....wait for it....'Home is where the HeartFreek is...!!!!

Ok, Ill shut up now!!!

Heres my 'Assortment' for todays DDW January challenge!


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