South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Little brown jug how I love thee.. the words of the old song! However this is not used for beer, but for gravy! I made it at adult pottery classes over 20 years ago. It's hand made rather than thrown on a wheel (which I've never attempted) by rolling out long sausages of clay and then fixing them together in a round to make the shape you want. The teacher insisted on fitting the handle himself as you have to really know what you're doing or it tends to break off in the firing. Anyway, his work has stood the test of time.

Having done a pile of ironing this morning, we went to an 80th birthday buffet lunch for a friend. It was very nice and everyone had a good chat and a laugh. I didn't get the chance to take any photos there, hence the jug!

It has been a mostly rainy day today and very dark again, also cold.

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