
This is a companion pic to yesterday's image for this is the waterfall you have to pass to get to the ringfort. What a magical and auspicious entrance for you then continue over the gushing river via several huge slabs of rock. Other streams come down from the moat encased ringfort, and the sound is amazing. How could this not be steeped in meaning.
I have thoughtfully provided sound effects should you wish to get the full experience!

Something odd. Yesterday when I visited I saw a strange shape in the fields below, too small for me to make out what it was but I zoomed in and later looked at the image when I got home. It was upsetting and seemed to be a cow, stretched out, eyes closed, with a new born calf still in the birth sac. Neither were moving. Being a sensitive soul, all sorts of emotions arose, mainly anger that she should have been left there to cope on her own and I hadn't gone and done something about it.Well I had to go back today and see if there were any clues as to what had happened. There was the cow, sitting down, contentedly chewing, a wee calf at her side. It just goes to show. Things are not always what they seem.

We enjoyed Nebraska last night - depressing and endearing in equal measures as a son attempts to humour his father who believes he has won a million dollars and is desperate to go and collect it. The father has Altzeimers. It's a sort of road movie where father and son discover a lot of things about each other. Blimey though - Montana and Nebraska, what very strange places, with very strange inhabitants! Recommended.

Listen while you look!

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