Now we have everything

By Gembop

The dentists

A rubbish picture but it's the only one I took today: Charlie, in his car seat, eating a cracker at the dentists.

My jaw/teeth are still very painful after having the wisdom tooth out and the gauze the last dentist used to pack the socket has fallen out. The moment it did and air hit the hole I was in agony. I can't bear the thought of having this pain over Christmas so I rang the clinic where I had the procedure and they asked me to come straight in.

Charlie was so good in the waiting room and during the procedure. The dentist injected the site (again!), cleaned it and packed it out with more gauze. He said it's a stubborn infection but it should start to ease off from now. Fingers crossed!

We had a nicer afternoon thanks to a visit from Kelly and Dylan. Then after tea it was time to pack ready for our Christmas break. As soon as Robin gets home from work we're going to hit the M1. Roll on Christmas!

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