The simple things

Art class today, yay! My project is coming along nicely. It is amazing how you can work on something for weeks and then as soon as you add the final additions it comes alive. I have captured this bunch of dried roses in a clear plastic cup that was sitting on drawing desk for today's Blip. It was used for a still life set up and I loved how the roses looked even all dried and droopy.
My younger sister used to do dried flower arranging years ago. She had quite a collection of various flowers but I specifically remember the dried roses. I also remember the moth invasion she had from storing all those dried flowers in her room. Apparently. there is an entire process to prevent this but as a young entrepreneur she learned the hard way. I thought it was funny at the time. My mother, not so much!
After art class, I had a nice lunch with my mom and then had to pick up my grandson from school. Both of my grandchildren are out with their parents tonight seeing Disney on Ice. They were excited to be going and my granddaughter was all dressed in her favorite Minnie Mouse outfit since that’s her favorite Disney character. So, the house is very quiet tonight and I am enjoying a cup of peppermint tea after dinner while I do my Blip. It’s the little things in life.

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