My Best Efforts - Year 3


A fruitful visit ........

.......... and I'm not talking apples, pears and bananas!!

Anni aka BikerBear here ... reporting for Alma.

Managed to get hold of a couple of people at the hospital to talk to (on Mum's behalf) - the occupational therapist (who is extremely nice and seems on the ball) and another young doctor ..... promises were made ..... my veiled threats (with a smile and a few jokes thrown in) seemed to work as last night Mum rang me to say they are going to "aspirate" her hip area - for those that don't know - and to save you looking it up - that means they will insert a long needle and draw off some of the excess fluid in the hip area ... then it could possibly be tested to see what may be causing the pain and numbness.

On top of that Mum reports that a little of the feeling is slowly coming back in her leg and foot - still not right but improving very slowly - I suspect this is due, in some part, to bed-rest (and no blipping - lol!!!).

We also had an exciting time as I bundled her into a wheelchair and made our escape to one of the cafes in another part of the hospital ...... coming back via "outside" - the first time Mum has had proper fresh air in almost 3 weeks (and I managed to dissuade her from having a cigarette!).

The hospital is on a hill and we had a "weeeeeeeeeee" moment as the chair wheeled a bit faster than intended and I was almost running!!!! By the time we got back inside we were both almost crying as we were laughing so much - a couple of crazy ladies! Made a bit of a change.

So, a bit of progress is made ...... the only downside is that Mum has lost her side room with the lovely view and is now on a 4 bed ward (but next to a window) that looks out onto a bit of a wall, a bit of a car park and a small tree!

A beautiful sunrise from 29 January 2013 re-taken from my computer screen for 29 January 2014 ......

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