Plus ça change...

By SooB

Book Day

No, don't worry, you haven't missed international book day or anything. Just my book day.

With Mr B away a lot, the evenings can be a bit dull. Let's face it, remembering I have some knitting on the go makes me feel like I have a plan for the evening. So it is always with a lifting of the heart that I remember that, whilst bed may be a lonely place, there is always a book to escape into.

However, occasionally I read a book that is on my mind all day, like a secret lover* and I am continually searching for reasons or excuses to sneak off for a quick read. Just now I am reading The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt, and if there is a better reason for an early night I haven't met it yet**.

In other news, at lunchtime English club we were 'studying' Barbie Girl. I saved time at the end for a short sharp discussion on sexual politics. I think song choice for these sessions is going to have to start being a lot less democratic....

Afternoon class with the 6 year olds was all going fine until one boy took a huff and hid under the table. TallGirl can walk, slowly, and is stoically refusing all offers of help (I think she's concerned that I might say she can't ride next week if she's not better).

Tomorrow I will be baking my way through several pounds of butter to provide goodies for the school Loto.

*At least that's how I imagine it would feel...

** Joking, obviously.

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