The Little Acorn

By thelittleacorn

After The Storm

Surprisingly, after last night's storm, the federal government only called a 2hr delay. No matter to me, though, as telework hours are unaffected. Some days, I wish I were working on client site again.

After we exchanged a few messages about sleepless nights and the "half-plus-seven" rule, we even tossed around the possibility of him joining me on my world tour to Tahiti, to watch a World Surf Competition. He called me delusional for even making such an offer. Sure, I'm crazy. Crazy in love! :)

But then, the conversation took a sharp turn in the wrong direction. Suddenly, he snapped at me for making an assumption of last night's fireplace rendezvous. What an audacious move, especially since he was the one who planted the seed in the first place! When he sent the picture, along with his "vague" responses of his whereabouts, I suspected if he was fishing for that exact reaction. So, I took the bait. It wasn't the first time he's done this.

I wanted to yell out, "Objection! Excuse me your honor, he is leading the witness!" But clearly there is no need for a trial here. How do we plead in these Crimes of the Heart? Guilty as charged.

For the first time ever, he cursed at me and it pierced my heart like a knife. It was quickly rescinded with an apologetic "I want your friendship. But you seem to want all or nothing." Yet, the snowball had already formed and was barreling down the hill...

I asked if I could come over and talk. Before delving into the "deep" stuff, we watched a couple HIMYM episodes. Oh, how I wish I could've hit "Pause" weeks ago! But, we needed to have this conversation.

Although we covered a lot of topics, including our "numbers" (danggg, dude!), a few things he said struck a chord with me. When I told him that he was truly a nice guy at heart, he was humbled by my compliment; however, he quickly negated it with "Yes, I am nice, but my actions are not. " Then, when asked if he would've said yes to me asking him out, he replied, "I probably would've said no. Besides, if we dated, then I would cheat on you," followed by some reference to The Secret. We agreed we hardly knew each other, but he noted, "but I think I know you better than you know yourself."

It wasn't until later that I understood what all that meant.

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