Experimenting with Bubbles !!

Smile! This is a colourful pic to make you smile the last day of January!! yupi!! The day here is horrible grey and rain so it is my present for you all today. A splash of colours !I was composing still life and making some experiments with colours. I was enjoying practising with my camera. Movements, macros, abstracts etc. I don't know how I did it but it was magic moment . You can create amazing thinks with anything you have at home. Creating something new makes me feel better and forget about the weather. I was happy with it and I hope you like it too.
I was painting one paper with many colours and put the water and oil on the top sometimes mixed with vinegar etc. It looks like another planet. I even got some faces with the colourful bubbles but I chose this one with a little drop .
Today I used the tripod of course. I should shoot with one hand and move the mixed water with another hand.
Thanks for the nice comments, hearts and stars about my flamenco dancer swan.
Have a nice weekend everyone and don't care about the bad weather just put some colour in your life and SMILE!! hope you have a nice colourful dreams today hehe!
See better in large!

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