
My missus made this gansey for me, many years ago. I have worn it a great deal, including on a trip on a sailing boat to the Faeroe Islands. One of the functions of the patterns on the jumper was that if someone was lost overboard, the pattern would indicate where on the coast the fisherman originated, and then the grieving widow could identify her man by her own knitting, if he'd been in the water for a while.
Luckily, Meles didn't have that duty!
The years had caused a bit of wear at the ribbing at the neckline, though, and she repaired it today. Thanks, my dear! It will be good for another 20 years wear, now :)
I recounted some family history in an email to some cousins this afternoon, including details of our fisherman grandfather, so the nautical knitting is quite appropriate. Faither recalled watching Gran knit thigh-length socks for Grumpy's sea-boots...and he met his first wife in Grimsby, where she was (probably) following the herring-fleet round the coast, gutting and packing the catch.
In the evening, we went out for a meal with Cath, always good to see her, and we shared tragic tales of the last year. 2013 was rubbish.

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