Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

An Early Birthday Dinner

A quick Blip while Mr C is putting Little Miss E to bed,

Most of my morning was spent doing accounts, as I am treasurer for the local Scout Group.Once they were back in order, and the enormous washing piles were tackled I went out for a run with my new running tights, which transform my legs into a black spiderman costume! Was supposed to do 14 miles today but didn't as I didn't have my new trainers yet.

My current ones have run at least 500 miles since June, so they are no longer fit for purpose and running long distance in them without support could aggravate any niggles I have in my hip. So I decided to run up my favourite hill (Cherhill White Horse) which has a 532 ft elevation for me to climb from my house. I went the long way round as the usual chalk path I take would be treacherous after this rain without trail shoes. So, after saying hello to some curious sheep, I did the final steep climb to the rear of the horse, only for the rain to start... which is ok. I reached the summit, retrieved phone from pocket to take moody panoramic shot for todays Blip, then ...the squall hit. Freezing horizontal rain and gusting wind. First thought - get off this hill as soon as possible but the wind was so strong it was dangerous so second thought (in true Bear Grylls style) was to seek shelter until it died down. Easier said than done if you have ever been there, but a lone tree near a copse was my companion in the freezing cold for the next 15 minutes until there was a lull and I hot footed it all the way down sticking to the fence line to avoid being blown away!
Thank fully when I returned to the A4, the fourth emergency service or my neighbour passed by in his car and pulled over. His number plate was a welcome sight as I was so cold.

Its Mr C's birthday tomorrow, but as he is flying off to Norway in the early hours, my son wanted to have his birthday dinner tonight. SO folks, Im afraid this is my emergency Blip for today. It appears from the Blip that both my son and daughter look miserable, perhaps its just the sight of the camera pointing at them yet another time!

Have a lovely evening.


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