Girl in a Puddle with a Ball in her Hand

Miss L can spot a puddle at forty paces. The muddier the better!
She walks carefully in and then jumps up and down as hard as she can, squealing with delight!
We had a lazy morning which drifted on a bit into the afternoon.
We've got out of the habit of going on lots of outings and I'm determined to get out more with the Little Misses this year.
So we wrapped up and headed for Stowe. For the first time in what feels like weeks it wasn't raining. Woohoo!!
Unfortunately the wind was blowing at speed straight from Siberia and oh my goodness it was freezing. So cold that we made straight for the café where I had tea and watched my family eat cake. Grrrrrrrr!!
Then the Little Misses faffed in the shop for what felt like hours choosing treasures to buy with their marble money.
Then we discovered it was too late to walk down to the garden entrance.
Did I mention that they have changed things round at Stowe just like they have at Waddesdon and it's rubbish and you now have to park about 8,000 miles from the entrance and you have to get a land train down but the land train doesn't run any more so you have to walk miles before you even get to where you came to go for a walk.
Bloody National Trust. No wonder I haven't been to Stowe since April.
Anyway, there was a golf buggy thing so we jumped on that (with the driver I hasten to add!) and had a ride down to the gate and back.
Didn't even get off!
If we had I suspect we'd have frozen to the spot in seconds!
So not an altogether successful outing but it was nice to get out and it not be raining.
And Miss L enjoyed jumping in muddy puddles!

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