From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A wild night in Ayr!

Brrrrrrrr! It's been a cold, windy day everywhere and if I get any more waterlogged, I'm going to have fish swimming around my eyes and I'll look like a diver in a cartoon film.

So, here I am in Ayr again looking forward to taking pictures up here and giving my Brummie squirrels and birdies a rest from my prying lens. It's lashing down outside and so windy I reckon I will blow across the sea the minute I step outside the door.

Watching The Voice with mom at the moment trying to decide if I'm going to the pub tonight... I expect I will to get over the excitement of having a properly frozen minty Magnum! The last one I had here in Ayr fell off the stick and landed in my lap as it was virtually defrosted! A couple of weeks ago, mom rang me and surprised me with the news that she'd got the X20 to Glasgow and ordered a new Zanussi from John Lewis! She was quite upset about the old one dying on her as she'd only had it 13 years. Ha! Does anything last that long these days? Hmmmm actually I have some very old knickers, probably 23 years old. The elastic is a bit dodgy so you wouldn't risk wearing them with a skirt in case they fall down but they are fine under jeans. I expect I'll get another few years out of them....

Ahem! Sorry for the digression... Anyway, I told mom not to be daft as you cannot get emotional about a fridge freezer. I forgot all about it until mom handed me an ice cream earlier and it was rock hard! I nearly broke a tooth! I'm not kidding you, it looks the same as the last one, especially now it has the butterfly, pigs in kilts - don't ask - and sheep magnets all over it. At my first introduction to the new family member, well, what's not to like? It does the job.

As you can see from my picture, I did go out but only as far as the West Kirk. It was a choice between going out or watching dratted Prince of Darkness again for about the zillionth time. My copy of 'Rush' had arrived but mom's reaction was 'I don't want to watch a boring film about car racing!' and she would not be moved despite my raving on about how it was the best film I'd seen in years. I went out in the grumps and was caught in the most massive sudden hailstorm ever going to the pub. People were running screaming in all directions as stones as big as rugby balls fell from the sky! I was OK in Bony's coat but it was AWFUL! There was no way I was taking an outdoor picture.

Track? I've gone for Joe Bonamassa and Jimmy Barnes. I love it and it's been my Saturday earworm - Too Much Love Ain't Enough

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