
By RunAndrewRun

A decent happiness

Hooray! ... a running rest-day, after yesterday's heroic efforts ;-)

... have to say, I'm feeling it a bit this morning!

Here's another poem from one of those wonderful anthologies I received back in December as a very welcome Christmas present :-)

This one is by the American Poet, Robert Creeley, and deals with rain, love, memory and happiness:

The Rain

All night the sound had
come back again,
and again falls
this quite, persistent rain.

What am I to myself
that must be remembered,
insisted upon
so often? Is it

that never the ease,
even the hardness,
of rain falling
will have for me

something other than this,
something not so insistent—
am I to be locked in this
final uneasiness.

Love, if you love me,
lie next to me.
Be for me, like rain,
the getting out

of the tiredness, the fatuousness, the semi-
lust of intentional indifference.
Be wet
with a decent happiness.


Robert Creeley (1926-2005)

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