Wee Ally

7.1C and dull with grey cloud all day. Windy.

Three light bulbs in the bathroom went out yesterday afternoon. Halogen lights. Apothecary7 was upstairs painting and came down to make the announcement. I went up into the loft and, as I suspected, they were all connected to one transformer. Thats the second of three transformers to 'go' in the last few months. Annoying.

This morning Maeve the Deerhound and I went through to B&Q on the outskirts of Arbroath and I bought a new transformer and three new connectors with bulbs. Afterwards I drove round to the harbour and we had a wander round. It was windy. I had gloves on today.

Some of you might vaguely remember me blipping a rowing boat called Wee Peem some time ago at Westhaven. It was my favourite boat there. I couldn't resist a blip of Wee Ally which was moored in the inner basin of the harbour.

When we got back home I went up into the loft and removed the old transformer and installed the new one and the new connectors. Down in the bathroom I installed the bulbs. All working again.

After lunch Maeve and I went for a walk. We went down to the shore road and then followed our old route round to the main road and back home.

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