
8.3C with a bright clear morning and clouding over during the afternoon when the wind gusts topped 40 mph.

Grocery shopping was followed by a walk round the country road, bridle path, and beach route. Just for a change I thought I'd point the camera inland rather than at the sea, so just past the church and before we turned down the bridle path I took this and some other shots across the fields looking in the direction of Muirdrum and Panlathy farm.

The beach was almost empty. The only person to be seen was the owner of the end cottage, yet again shovelling sand in piles to protect the seaward end of his garden.

There is little left of the dunes along near the level crossing. The high tides have almost removed them completely in places. The sand is deep on the beach and shelves down to the rocks. We walked into a headwind along the beach. It felt more like walking on a beach on the Isle of Lewis or Orkney.

This afternoon I watched Ireland play well and beat Scotland in the six nations rugby. Scotland were very good at going from side to side. Not so good at line breaking and going forward.

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