The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Sweet Tooth

Miss Huey was a small woman, who happened to live in the same apartment building that my sister-in-law's mom lived in. My mom used to take me there on occasion, and we always stopped by and said hello to her.

Ironically, Miss H was my Kindergarten teacher. She had all of us kids bring in a family recipe so we could construct our very own class cookbook. Some kids brought in more than one, and each of us created our own covers out of construction paper and the unique art only a 5-year old child can create.

My cookbook spent many years in an old potato chip can. When my mom passed away, I managed to salvage a good portion of the pages that had not met some sort of demise.

Through the miracle of FaceBook, I recently reconnected with two of my dear friends from our first year of school. In fact, we all stayed in class together until I moved away in fifth grade.

This recipe is from a boy named Ladson, who is now a proud father with a son in law school. I thought that he'd appreciate seeing this blip, and wonder if anyone else in our class of 16 still has their mimeographed sheets, a tad chopped off and tattered?

I cherish these recipes and can offer this: The pound cake is delicious!

Another little piece of the puzzle of who I am.

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