Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

And Then I Wonder Why I Couldn't Sleep

I had a crazy (but thankfully rare) insomnia episode last night! Couldn't get to sleep til after 3am. I retired to the spare room to read until I eventually nodded off. I usually sleep OK...

Today I was trying to work out what prompted the sleeplessness. Now, before Christmas we got a Nespresso machine. And as I've been at home for a month, I've been drinking a LOT of shots of coffee. Mmmmmm, especially the purple capsules... Like most folk I drink coffee in the morning mostly, very rarely have one later than 2pm-ish. But maybe it's a cumulative thing?! My body's decided to give me a sign that I'm over-caffeinating myself?

Anyway, I only thought of this explanation after I'd already had a few espressos...

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