The Wren

By TheWren

A Vettriano?

No - this was Strictly in Glasgow.

My Christmas present from my daughter and son-in-law - tickets to see Strictly Come Dancing Live at the new Hydro concert hall in Glasgow, which only opened in October last year. My daughter flew up from the south to join me for the week end and despite the appalling heavy rain we had a great couple of days culminating in the trip to see Strictly. The venue is amazing, however the signage to the car park is non-existent until you arrive almost at the gates, having been in several traffic queues with other folk also not knowing where they were going . Eventually you see an innocuous yellow sign propped up against the wall and pointing to the entrance for the multi storey.

We managed to arrive with five minutes to spare - a bit short of the 30 minutes we had planned - but the show was excellent and totally fulfilled expectations. This shot is of Natalie and Artem which is obvious for those of you who are Strictly fans but useless information if you are not!

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